Monday, November 1, 2010

Dressing Up

Well, Halloween this year was loads of fun. Ben loved trick or treating. He said "Trick or Treat ... Thank you!!" perfectly every time.

Ben was convinced he wanted to be a tree, until he had to actually BE a tree. But he was a good sport. And so cute.

We knew that dressing Brooklyn up was not going to be easy, so we opted for a simple kitty, with simple face paint. Bad idea. Who knew this girl could get so mad?

She wouldn't even let us take a picture of her and Ben together.

But she ended up looking so cute anyway, even with pretty much no nose left, and smeared whiskers.

Halloween is getting more and more fun each year!!


Lindy said...

They are such cutie's. We had just about as much luck dressing up Cody as you did with Brooklyn. They can be the biggest stinkers sometimes.

Amanda Joy Petersen said...

So fun. I love that he wanted to be a tree:) the costumes turned out great.

Nate and KayLyn said...

Halloween is so much fun! Your kids are so cute.
I wonder how it will be when our kids have opinions on what they want to be for Halloween??
I wish we were close enough to get together-maybe someday.