Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything

I thought I'd start with the new baby. So far, things look good. I just got this ultrasound last week, and thought it was so funny. You can see the baby's little fist up against her face. Her nose is cute, and her little lips are pursed. Either she's giving us a little attitude, or she's pouting. I'm hoping it's not a sign of things to come! It's cute, either way!

And now, here are a few things that we've been up to this summer.


We planted a garden. Ben loved helping put the seeds in the holes.

Now his most frequent request is to "work in the garden." (Which, as you can tell by the pictures, and the weeds, needs to be done!!) He always wants to weed the garden. It's so cute. He'll pick one weed...

...and then walk over to the wheelbarrow to put it in.

We tried to tell him it would be easier to make a pile and bring them all over at once, but he would have nothing to do with it. What a good helper! Brooklyn usually helps by just walking all over the plants and getting dirty. And she sure loves getting dirty!!!


Brooklyn had her 2nd birthday in Moab this year! She had a blast!


These are just some cute pics of the kids hanging out outside with their swimming suits on. Brooklyn loves wearing hats backwards...this one is Ben's, which explains why it's so big.

She is trying to make the same silly face as Ben.


We went camping last weekend as part of our family reunion. The kids had so much fun! They loved hanging out with their cousins and doing all the activities that were available for them.

Ben, Brooklyn, and Bridger ate every meal up on this stage area.

Brooklyn didn't let go of my dad pretty much the whole time we were there. Here she is just after she fell, with "Grandpa Merrie," as she calls him!

This is during a game of "goofball." I know Ben looks like he's about to pee, but he's really just excited that he made it to the base!

They were so excited to sleep in the tent. Don't they look so comfortable?!

Ben ended up on our bed. Isn't this such a cute picture?

McLain and our brother-in-law Brian competed at the 2 man saw. They did really well, even though they didn't end up with the fastest time.

My sister Kailynn was pretty disappointed that I couldn't do it with her. I didn't think it would be the best idea, considering my current condition.

And the favorite part of the whole trip for the kids were the pony rides!!!! They were so happy the whole time!

And then, this nice man came down to our campsite and let the kids ride a real horse! Ben wasn't there at the time, and doesn't really know what he missed...that's okay.

Bridger was a good helper holding Avery on.

And I literally don't think Brooklyn stopped smiling the whole time! She absolutely loved it!!!!!!!

And that's that. We have had a fun summer and are looking forward to this new baby. Wish us luck...I hear 3 kids is pretty tough!!


Kim said...

Looks like you guys have had an awesome summer! I absolutely love your ultrasound pic... she looks so sweet :). Congrats!

Amanda Joy Petersen said...

Your kids are so adorable! It looks like you are having a blast, and waiting for baby:)

Lindy said...

Looks like lots of fun!! Your kids are so dang cute and funny. I bet your getting excited to add another to the mix....