Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kid 1, Kid 2, Kid 3, and Dad

I thought I'd do another quick update on the kids and how stinkin' cute they are!!! (And there's a little something about Dad at the end).


Ben is so smart. He loves preschool and is starting to sound out words a little bit. He loves writing his letters and it just blows my mind how smart he is!

This little boy loves his sisters so much!! He is so sweet! I love watching him help Brooklyn put together puzzles. He is so patient and helpful, always reminding her to match the colors. He understands what Brooklyn is saying more often than I do and always says "No, Mom, that's not what she said. She said..." And Brooklyn loves him too, and just follows him around and can't do anything without him.

I love watching him with Adilyn. She is his pride and joy. He is so gentle with her and always has to give her a hug and kiss before he goes to sleep. Just today I overheard him explaining to Brooklyn why it's so important not to give Adilyn an owie.

"And Brooklyn, Heavenly Father gave her to us. And Brooklyn, Heavenly Father made her so special. And that's why we have to be so gentle and not give her owie's"

And my favorite thing that he does is when Adilyn smiles at him, he always says "I love you too, Adilyn!"


Our little Brooklyn is just too funny. She is super accident prone. She'll just be walking in an empty room with nothing around her at all, and somehow she'll end up falling very dramatically. It's like someone pushed her or something, but there was no one there!!! And because she is always falling, she got her first stitches last month. She fell and hit her chin on a bed, which resulted in three stitches. She was a trooper! And she still tells us about it all the time!

And she is so funny. She calls everyone "her boys." When talking to any one of us, or all of us, it's "Come on boys!"

A few weeks ago in church, I was trying to get her to be quiet, which by the way, is impossible!! I whispered to her that she needed to be quiet. She said (in a very loud voice, of course) "No, Mom, I'm talking to my boys." So I watched her to see what in the world she was talking about. It was so funny to watch her look up at "her boys," (known as the bishopric to most) and continue her conversation with them (still in a very loud voice). "Hi boys! What are you doing?" What a crack-up.

She loves Ben and Adilyn too. As mentioned earlier, she pretty much doesn't leave Ben alone, and I'm not even sure she knows how to function without him. And she will not leave Adilyn alone for anything. We're still trying to get her to understand how to be gentle, but it's a slow process. But she is so cute. She can be crying her little eyes out, but if she sees Adilyn, an instant smile shows up on her face!


Adilyn is five months and growing like a weed. It's so fun to watch her. The kids can get her to smile and laugh more than McLain and I can. She adores them, and is only afraid of Brooklyn on occasion. :)

Her blessing day was back on November 6th. She was beautiful and I'm so thankful for the Priesthood and that McLain is worthy to bless our children.

This is our most recent family picture. It was taken on Adilyn's blessing day. It's the only one where one of the kids didn't have a hand over their face. So instead of having their hands over their faces, they just look funny. Oh well!


And now I have to brag about my dad. He made this cradle...

...for me when I was a baby. Isn't it beautiful? And it even rocks. He gave it to us so that we could use is for Adilyn. I love it.

Good job Dad!!


Amanda Joy Petersen said...

So cute! Ben and Asher are so similar, though it sounds like Ben is more even tempered than Asher:) That is cute that Brooklyn and Adilyn are his fan club.

The Singletons said...

You always leave out the part where the crib was mine for awhile as well. Figures.

Lindy said...

Your kids are so cute!! I love how much they just love and adore each other:)
The cradle is darling.... that's so awesome that you get to use it for your kids now.

Janalee said...

That cradle is amazing!! I am so jealous, and that is even more amazing to me that you used it as a baby.

Your kids are so smart, and so cute!

I love that Brooklyn is miss attitude!! how fun! Adalin is getting so big so fast!

I love the family picture!! classic.:)

Nate and KayLyn said...

Your kids are adorable--and growing up so fast!! I can't believe we haven't even met any of them yet, but we need to, sometime...